Burkholderia cenocepacia K56-2Valvano, BURCENK562V_RS29115 (wbiH)

Cytoplasmic Membrane
Outer Membrane

Gene Feature Overview

Strain Burkholderia cenocepacia K56-2Valvano
Locus Tag
NCBI Old Locus TagBURCENK562V_C5754
Replicon ctg7180000002940C
Genomic location 112135 - 113151 (+ strand)
CommentBelongs to the O antigen biosynthesis gene cluster


RefSeq WP_012492902.1
GI 501469457
GI 501469457
NCBI Locus Tag BURCENK562V_RS29115
NCBI Old Locus Tag BURCENK562V_C5754
RefSeq WP_012492902.1


Feature Type CDS
Coding Frame 1
Product Name
glycosyl transferase
Product Name Confidence: Class 2
Evidence for Translation
Charge (pH 7) 9.64
Kyte-Doolittle Hydrophobicity Value 0.646
Molecular Weight (kDa) 36916.1
Isoelectric Point (pI) 10.39

Subcellular localization

Individual Mappings
Localization Confidence PMID
Cytoplasmic Membrane Class 3
Additional evidence for subcellular localization

AlphaFold 2 Protein Structure Predictions

Protein structure predictions using a neural network model developed by DeepMind. If a UniProtKB accession is associated with this protein, a search link will be provided below.

Orthologs/Comparative Genomics

Burkholderia Ortholog Group BG000741 (647 members)
Putative Inparalogs None Found


STRING database Search for predicted protein-protein interactions using:
Search term: wbiH

Human Homologs


Identification of the flagellin glycosylation system in Burkholderia cenocepacia and the contribution of glycosylated flagellin to evasion of human innate immune responses.
Hanuszkiewicz A, Pittock P, Humphries F, Moll H, Rosales AR, Molinaro A, Moynagh PN, Lajoie GA, Valvano MA
J Biol Chem 2014 Jul 4;289(27):19231-44
PubMed ID: 24841205
Reconstitution of O-specific lipopolysaccharide expression in Burkholderia cenocepacia strain J2315, which is associated with transmissible infections in patients with cystic fibrosis.
Ortega X, Hunt TA, Loutet S, Vinion-Dubiel AD, Datta A, Choudhury B, Goldberg JB, Carlson R, Valvano MA
J Bacteriol 2005 Feb;187(4):1324-33
PubMed ID: 15687196